Pickle - Upcoming Features - Update 1

These are priority features that will be coming to Pickle within the next 4 weeks.

Threads - Complete

Support for Slack threads is coming to Pickle! Slack doesn't support slash commands like /pickle in threads so I've made the modal window available using interactivity shortcuts.

I'm experimenting with the @Pickle mention in place of the slash command so that picks can still be created with a single command.

Shortcuts - Complete

Related to the thread support, picks can be initiated from the lightning bolt menu and message shortcuts menu.

The global shortcut can be used instead of /pickle (no parameters) to open a modal.

Global shortcut

The message shortcut will open a modal for creating a pick in that thread.

Messages shortcut

Pick Expiry - Complete

A configurable pick expiry time and action for. For example, a pick can be configured to automatically try the next person if the picked user does not respond within 15 minutes.

Want a new feature?

Suggest it through the feedback form!

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